Bring the Spring Vibe Inside in Under 5 Minutes!

Transitioning into spring is such a beautiful time, filled with optimism and excitement for longer days, fewer layers and more fresh flowers. Open windows, curtains blowing in the breeze, the smell of fresh cut grass... the transition from the deep dark cold of winter to the new life of spring can be felt inside your home almost as much as outside.

It's a great time to make some subtle changes on the inside to welcome spring and bring all of that vibrance happening on the outside in. It can be as simple as changing throw pillows on the sofa or bed to more light and vibrant patterns. Keep in mind that you only have to change the pillow covers and store the winter patterns for the following season. This will save money and take up less space in storage. 

Heavy accent blankets on sofas, beds or over chairs can also be switched out for brighter colours or even lighter and more airy fabrics. Turkish style throws can add subtle softness to your space when draped over a chair or chaise, and the best part is, you don't even have to fold them, the right throw looks good even when it's messy. If you still like to have heavier blankets around for cool evenings,  having soft colours like pastels or other light hues can help with that airy spring feeling. 


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